Mastering the metropolis through research and thought leadership.
2023-2024: The Year in Review

The Center launched its Young Professional Breakfast Series.

January 2024 and June 2024

In January 2024 the Center launched the first installment of its Young Professional Breakfast Series in New York City. The event included a talk with featured speaker David Lazarus, Managing Director, Eastdil Secured, and was moderated by Michael Givner, Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager, PIMCO. The goal of the newly launched program is to have a positive impact on the careers of young real estate professionals by providing them with an opportunity to meet and get to know their peers in the industry. The Center plans to continue to host this style of event in different cities in order to establish a strong young professional network in partnership with the Center. The next event scheduled for June 25 in Boston where we will be hearing from Jacques Gordan, a long-time friend of the Center who is now teaching at MIT.


Research Sponsors met for a dinner and moderated talk at Gabriel Kreuther Restaurant in New York City.  Our Career Mentor Program connected 85 mentors with 122 student mentees.

