Mastering the metropolis through research and thought leadership.
2023-2024: The Year in Review

The Helfand/Bluhm Fellowships provided grants to students to offset the cost of job seeking and professional development.

The David Helfand, PAR ’20 and Leslie Bluhm, PAR ’20 Zell/Lurie Real Estate Fund was created in 2019 with a generous gift by David Helfand and Leslie Bluhm. With this term gift the Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center created the Helfand/Bluhm Career Support Fellowship Program. This year, the Fellowship Program provided over 100 grants to students with financial need to help defray the cost of real estate career search activities, such as travel, networking, real estate conferences, and interviews. With over $100,000 in grants this year alone, this one-of-a-kind program levels the playing field for our students.


The Eric and Beth Schlager Lecture Series featured James Cohen, Chief Executive Officer & Chairman, Hudson Capital Properties.  The Spring Members’ Meeting was held at The Rittenhouse Hotel.

