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Grayken Program in International Real Estate - London 2022 · Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Baroness Morrissey DBE

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Helena has worked in financial services for over three decades. She was CEO of Newton Investment Management for 15 years and recently taken up the role of Chair at AJ Bell, whose purpose is to help people invest. Helena is lead non-executive director at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, a trustee of the Lady Garden Foundation (a gynaecological cancer charity) and a Fellow (Governor) at Eton College.

Helena is well known for her work on inclusion and diversity. In 2010, she founded the 30% Club, a campaign for better gender-balanced boards. Since then, the representation of women on FTSE350 boards has risen from less than 10% to 35%.  There are now twenty 30% Clubs throughout the world. Helena chairs the Diversity Project, aimed at improving diversity across all dimensions in the investment industry.

Helena entered the House of Lords in September 2020 and was appointed a Dame in 2017. She has written two books: A Good Time to be a Girl (William Collins, 2018) and Style and Substance, a guide for women who want to win at work (Little, Brown Books, 2021). She posts daily career dressing advice on Instagram.

Helena is married with nine children.

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