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Grayken Program in International Real Estate - London 2022 · Wednesday, May 18, 2022


The Royal Automobile Club
89 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HS

View the Participants Who's Attending European Advisory Board

The Royal Automobile Club
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
12:30-1:30 pmLuncheon
1:30-1:35 pmWelcoming Remarks

Joe Gyourko, Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Director, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School

1:35-1:40 pmIntroduction of Michael Swank by James Seppala, Senior Managing Director, Blackstone; Chair, European Advisory Board, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School
1:40-2:30 pmThe Accelerating Evolution of Demand Drivers. Discussion of underlying demand drivers behind life sciences, data centers, and production space

Michael Swank, Senior Managing Director, Blackstone 

2:30-3:20 pmPanel Discussion: The Challenges and Opportunities of Running a Real Estate Investment Firm in Today’s Shifting Environment

Moderator: David Brush, Co-founder and Senior Advisor, Merlin Properties

Brad Hyler, Managing Partner, Head of Real Estate in Europe, Brookfield

Joanne McNamara, EVP - Europe & Asia Pacific, Oxford Properties

Roelof Opperman, Partner, Co-Head of Europe, Fifth Wall

3:20-3:35 pmBreak
3:35-3:40 pmIntroduction of Baroness Morrissey DBE by Ian Marcus, Senior Advisor, Eastdil Secured
3:40-4:30 pmBeyond Diversity Programs: Creating the Best Investment Teams

Baroness Morrisey DBE

Below image supplied by Getty Images.

4:30-5:20 pmPanel Discussion: Environmental, Social and Governance

Moderator: Catherine Hong, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley

Caroline Hill, Managing Director and Head of ESG,  Blackstone

Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive Officer, UK Green Building Council

David Sleath, Chief Executive Officer, SEGRO plc

5:20 pmClosing Remarks

James Seppala, Senior Managing Director, Blackstone; Chair, European Advisory Board, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School

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