Mastering the metropolis through research and thought leadership.
2016-2017: The Year in Review >

Research Sponsors gathered at London's Royal Automobile Club

May 2017

Our guests gathered at The Royal Automobile Club in London on May 24, 2017, to hear industry leaders discuss "Economic and Political Factors Behind Changing Country Risk: Europe and the World."

François Trausch, CEO, Allianz Real Estate, participated in a panel on "How to Think about Europe – The Space User's Perspective."

Joe Gyourko, Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Director, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School.


Membership reached record highs John Grayken, Chairman, Lone Star Europe Acquisitions, LLP and Wharton School Dean, Geoffrey Garrett, engaged in a fascinating conversation at the our London Meeting


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