In May 2022, Zell/Lurie held its eight annual Grayken Program in International Real Estate at The Royal Automobile Club in London. The program focused on real estate investment opportunities and risks across Europe
The program featured Keynote speakers Michael Swank and Baroness Morrissey DBE. The program also included two panels. The first, “The Challenges and Opportunities of Running a Real Estate Investment Firm in Today’s Shifting Environment,” included panelists Brad Hyler, Joanne McNamara, and Roelof Opperman and was moderated by David Brush.
The program concluded with a second panel that discussed environmental, social and governance issues. It included panelists Caroline Hill, Julie Hirigoyen, and David Sleath and was moderated by Catherine Hong.
< | We congratulated this year’s student scholarship and award winners. | Alan Feldman and Ritson Ferguson were appointed as Senior Fellows at the Center. | > |